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English as a Second Language (ESL)

The ESL program is designed to increase fluency in students whose English ability is currently at a comparatively limited stage.

An initial interview and proficiency test is used to determine students’ placement in the ESL program. As students progress they may be moved to different levels to ensure they are constantly challenged and engaged. Exit from the ESL is program is the goal for each student and is decided through a combination of grades, teachers’ observations and recommendations, and an exit proficiency test to gauge students’ progress during the academic year.

In addition, ESL students are required to attend summer school in order to accelerate their learning curve. An exit exam is offered near the end of the summer session in order to determine student language placement for the following year.

Our ESL program at TRIS caters to students who are not yet prepared to attend language-intensive courses in the mainstream classroom. Courses are designed to provide students with a comfortable yet challenging environment where they can practice and hone the skills required to ultimately manage independently in mainstream language arts classes.

All ESL classes are leveled so that students can progress at the appropriate pace. Small class sizes afford students and teachers ample time to focus on vital skills in small groups or on a one to one basis, depending on individual needs. With our diverse student population, we have students joining us from various backgrounds in English, ranging from complete beginners to students transferring from schools where English has been the main language of instruction. Therefore, at TRIS we have a dedicated ESL team experienced in all levels of proficiency whose goal is to ensure that students can advance not only academically, but also so that they can acquire the language needed for day to day communication and routines in an English-speaking school.